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Evan Flynn

Ph.D. Student

Email: [[v|erflynn]]
Phone: (804) 684-7274
Office: Andrews Hall 132
Advisor: {{,Dr. Steve Kuehl}}

Evan is a Ph.D. Candidate at VIMS studying sediment and organic carbon accumulation in the offshore Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar. Her dissertation research aims to further understand terrestrial organic carbon processing and burial within this globally significant delta system. In her work, she uses a variety of geochemical tools including stable isotope analysis, 210Pb geochronology, compound specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA), and ramped pyrolysis/oxidation (RPO) to determine variations in terrestrial organic carbon perservation on the continental shelf over the Holocene.

B.S., Marine Science, minors in Chemistry & Coastal Management, Eckerd College

M.S., Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary; Advisors: Drs. Steven Kuehl & Christopher Hein


Research Interests
  • Sediment geochronology in continental shelf environments 
  • Sediment and organic carbon transport/processing across the land-ocean margin
  • Organic carbon preservation on the continental shelf
Flynn, E.R., Kuehl, S.A., Harris, C.K., Fair, M.J., 2022. Sediment and terrestrial organic carbon budgets for the offshore Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar: Establishing a baseline for future change. Marine Geology 447, 106782.