Shannon Smith
Ph.D. Student
(804) 684-7296
Nunnally Hall 113
Mary Fabrizio
M.S., Biological Sciences, Eastern Illinois University (2016)
B.S., Cum Laude, Biology, St. Lawrence University (2013)
Research Interests
I am broadly interested in how fishes interact with their environment on multiple spatial and temporal scales, and how these interactions shape community structure, abundance, and movement/dispersal.
Smith, S.C.F., M. Tindall, J. Homan, and S. Lochmann. Large-Scale Predictions of Northern Snakehead Range Expansion Using Maximum Entropy Modeling in Odenkirk, J.S. and D.C. Chapman, editors. 2019. Proceedings of the First International Snakehead Symposium. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 89, Bethesda MD.Smith, S.C.F., T. Thomas, R. E. Colombo and D.B. Keeney. 2019. Dissimilar effects of low-head dams on the genetic structure of riverine fishes. Freshwater Science. 38: 92-102.
Kaiser, J.E., S.C.F. Smith, M.A. Eggleton and H.L. Schramm Jr. 2018. Fish assemblage responses to different secondary channel designs in the Lower Mississippi River, U.S.A.: A template for river restoration. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. 42:1089-1106.
Smith, S.C.F., T. Thomas, S. Meiners, R. Hastings, D.B. Keeney and R.E. Colombo. 2017. Low-head dam impacts on habitat and the functional composition of fish communities. River Research and Applications. 33:680-689.