Observing Systems

Goodwin York Research ObservatoryVIMS Real-time York River Observation System (VIMS, CBNERR and Industry Partners). The Institutes Department of Physical Sciences and CBNERR have taken the lead to develop a realtime observation system within the lower York River system. Multiple buoy, bottom mounted and land supported systems provide real-time information on current velocity and direction, tide and wave height, and selected water and weather parameters. Part of this effort includes the Goodwin-York Research Observatory (GYRO) that includes a state-of-the-art research and monitoring platform to address environmental and security issues in the Chesapeake Bay. Key industry partners in this effort include Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and Incogen. Real-time delivery of this data is currently available at Virginia Estuarine and Coastal Observing System (VECOS) and NOAA's National Data Buoy Center www.ndbc.noaa.gov; Meterological station ID: GDIV2; Buoy ID: 44052) web sites.