Molluscan Publications - Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae

  • Baker, P. S. and R. Mann. 2003. Late stage bivalve larvae in a well-mixed estuary are not inert particles. Estuaries. 26 (4A): 837-845.
  • Mann, R. and J. M. Harding. 2003. Salinity tolerances of larval Rapana venosa: Implications for dispersal and establishment of an invading predatory gastropod on the North American Atlantic Coast.  Biological Bulletin. 204: 96-103.
  • J. M. Harding. 1999. Selective feeding behavior of larval naked gobies (Gobiosoma bosc) and blennies (Chasmodes bosquianusand Hypsoblennius hentzi): preferences for bivalve veligers. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 179: 145 -153.
  • Baker, P. and R. Mann. 1998. Response of settling oyster larvae, Crassostrea virginica, to specific portions of the visible light spectrum.  Journal of Shellfish Research. 17(4): 1081-1083.
  • Baker, P. and R. Mann. 1997. The post larval phase of bivalve mollusks: a review of functional ecology and new records of post larval drifting of Chesapeake Bay bivalves.  Bulletin of Marine Science.  61(2): 409-430.
  • Thompson, R. J., R. I. E. Newell, V. S. Kennedy, and R. Mann. 1996. Reproductive processes and early development. pp 335-370  In: V. S. Kennedy, R. I. E. Newell, and A.F. Eble. (Eds.)  "The Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica."  University of Maryland Sea Grant Press, College Park, MD. 734p.
  • Baker, S. & R. Mann. 1994. Feeding ability during settlement and metamorphosis in the oyster Crassostrea virginica and the effects of hypoxia on post-settlement ingestion rates. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 181: 239-253.
  • Baker, S. M. and R. Mann. 1994. Description of metamorphic phases in the oyster Crassostrea virginica and effects of hypoxia on metamorphosis.  Marine Ecology Progress Series. 104: 91-99.
  • Castell, L. L., and R. Mann. 1994. Optimal staining of lipids in bivalve larvae with Nile Red. Aquaculture.  119: 89-100.
  • Baker, S. M. and R. Mann. 1992. Effects of hypoxia and anoxia on larval settlement success, spat growth, and spat mortality of the oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Biological Bulletin. 182: 265-269.
  • Mann, R., B. M. Campos, and M. W. Luckenbach. 1991. Swimming rate and responses of larvae of three mactrid bivalves to salinity discontinuities. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 68: 257-269.
  • Roegner, G. C. and R. Mann.1990. Settlement patterns of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) larvae in relation to tidal zonation. Journal of Shellfish Research. 9(2): 341-346.
  • Mann, R. and J. S. Rainer. 1990. Effect of decreasing oxygen tension on swimming rate of Crassostrea virginica Gmelin larvae. Journal of Shellfish Research. 9(2): 323-327.
  • Widdows, J., R. I. E. Newell, and R. Mann. 1989. Effects of hypoxia and anoxia on survival, energy metabolism and feeding by oyster larvae (Crassostrea virginica).  Biological Bulletin. 177(1): 154-166.
  • Mann, R.  1988. Distribution of bivalve larvae at a frontal system in the James River, Virginia.  Marine Ecology Progress Series. 50(1): 29-44.
  • Mann, R.  1988. Field studies of bivalve larvae and their recruitment to the benthos:  A commentary.  Journal of Shellfish Research. 7(1): 7-10.
  • Gallager, S. M. and R. Mann. 1986. Growth and survival of larvae of Mercenaria mercenaria and Crassostrea virginica relative to broodstock conditioning and lipid content of eggs.  Aquaculture. 56(2): 105-122.
  • Gallager, S. M., R. Mann and G. C. Sasaki. 1986. Lipids as an index of growth and viability in three species of bivalve larvae.  Aquaculture. 56(2): 81-104.
  • Mann, R. 1986. Arctica islandica (Linne) Larvae: Active depth regulators or passive particles?  American Malacological Bulletin. Special Edition No. 3: 51-57.
  • Gallager, S. M. and R. Mann. 1986. Individual variability in lipid content of bivalve larvae quantified by absorption photometry.  Journal of Plankton Research. 8(5): 927-938.
  • Mann, R. 1986. Sampling of bivalve larvae. In: G. S. Jamieson and N. Bourne (Ed.). North Pacific workshop on stock assessment and management of invertebrates.  Canadian Special Publication Fishery Aquatic Science. 92: 107-116.
  • Mann, R. and S. M. Gallager.1985. Physiological and biochemical energetics of the larvae of Teredo navalis L. and Bankia gouldi (Bartsch) (Bivalvia Teredinidae).  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 85: 211-228.
  • Mann, R. 1985.  Seasonal changes in the depth distribution of bivalve larvae on the Southern New England Shelf.  Journal of  Shellfish Research. 5(2): 57-64.
  • Mann, R. 1984. The role of introduced bivalve mollusc species in mariculture. Journal of the World Mariculture Society. 14: 546-549.
  • Mann, R. and C. C. Wolf. 1983. Swimming behavior of larvae of the ocean quahog Arctica islandica in response to pressure and temperature.  Marine Ecology Progress Series. 13: 211-218.
  • Lutz, R. A., J. Goodsell, M. Castagna, S. Chapman, C. Newell, H. Hidu, R. Mann, D. Jablonski, V. Kennedy, S. Siddall, R. Goldberg, H. Beattie, C. Falmagne, A. Chestnut, and A. Partridge. 1982.  Preliminary observations on the usefulness of hinge structure for identification of bivalve larvae.  Journal of Shellfish Research. 2(1): 65-70.
  • Lutz, R. A., R. Mann, J. G. Goodsell, and M. Castagna. 1982. Larval and early post-larval development of the Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica).  Journal Marine Biological Association United Kingdom. 62: 745-769.