Ecosystem Health Faculty

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Bilkovic, Donna Marie
Email: [[donnab]]
Phone: (804) 684-7331
Office: Davis Hall 213
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management

Mark Brush

Brush, Mark J.
Email: [[brush]]
Phone: (804) 684-7402
Interests: Coastal systems ecology; Ecosystem modeling
Office: Andrews Hall 334F
Section: Ecosystem Health


Carnegie, Ryan B.
Email: [[carnegie]]
Phone: (804) 684-7713
Interests: Shellfish pathology
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall N109
Section: Ecosystem Health

Robert C. Hale

Hale, Robert C.
Email: [[hale]]
Phone: (804) 684-7228
Interests: Environmental chemistry, biosolids, fate and availability of man-made compounds in aquatic environments.
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S310
Section: Ecosystem Health


Havens, Kirk J.
Professor; Director, Center for Coastal Resources Management
Email: [[kirk]]
Phone: (804) 684-7386
Office: Davis Hall 208
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management

Johnson, David
Associate Professor
Email: [[dsjohnson]]
Phone: (804) 684-7513 (email is best)
Office: Andrews Hall 336
Section: Ecosystem Health
Lab Website: {{}}

Loftis, Derek
Assistant Professor
Email: [[jdloftis]]
Phone: (804) 684-7876
Office: Davis Hall 222
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management

Mitchell, Molly
Assistant Professor
Email: [[molly]]
Phone: (804) 684-7931
Office: Davis Hall 214
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management

Reece, Kimberly S.
Email: [[v|kreece,Contact Dr. Kimberly Reece]]
Phone: (804) 684-7407
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S110
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Molecular/genetic analysis of aquaculture species, shellfish disease pathogens.

Emily Rivest

Rivest, Emily
Associate Professor
Email: [[ebrivest]]
Phone: (804) 684-7942
Office: Andrews Hall 328
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Ecological physiology, global change biology, marine invertebrate biology


Seeley, Meredith
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|meredith.seeley]]
Phone: (804) 684-7239
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S306
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Marine Pollution; Organic Contaminants; Plastics and Microplastics; Environmental Chemistry and Biogeochemistry

Shields, Jeffrey D.
Email: [[jeff]]
Phone: (804) 684-7128
Office: Andrews Hall 426
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Parasitic and microbial diseases invertebrates and fishes.

Small, Hamish J.
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|hamish, Contact Hamish Small]]
Phone: (804) 684-7745
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S107
Section: Ecosystem Health

Juliette Smith

Smith, Juliette L.
Associate Professor
Email: [[jlsmith]]
Phone: (804) 684-7289
Office: Andrews Hall 429
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Ecotoxicology of harmful algal blooms.

Song, Bongkeun
Professor of Marine Science; Chair, Ecosystem Health
Email: [[v|songb]]
Phone: (804) 684-7411
Office: Andrews Hall 328
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Microbiome ecology and biogeochemistry

Wargo, Andrew
Associate Professor; Postdoctoral Program Coordinator
Email: [[arwargo]]
Phone: (804) 684-7311
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall N212
Section: Ecosystem Health
Research Interests: Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, Pathogen Emergence, Disease Management Aquaculture, Vaccination, Selective Breeding, Virulence

Zhang, Y. Joseph
Email: [[yjzhang]]
Phone: (804) 684-7466
Office: Davis Hall 224
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management