Estate Planning 101

This course was offered in February 2010. The content of this presentation was developed by Johnson, Gasink & Baxter, LLP and is owned by Johnson, Gasink & Baxter, LLP. The information is posted to this website with the permission of Johnson, Gasink & Baxter, LLP to be shared with VIMS employees. For additional information you can explore their website at

Estate Planning 101 Audio-Part 1 (Audio Only, mp3 File)

Estate Planning 101 Audio-Part 2 (Audio Only, mp3 File)

  • Watch the video presentation. The video is in two parts; part 1 is approximately 130 minutes long and part 2 is about 25 minutes long):

Estate Planning 101 Video-Part 1 (Windows Media Clip)

Estate Planning 101 Video-Part 2 (Windows Media Clip)

Estate Planning 101 Video-Part 1 (Real Media File)

Estate Planning 101 Video-Part 2 (Real Media File)

Note: In order to view and hear the streaming video, via Real Media Player, you will need to have RealPlayer installed on your computer. You can download a free player at Make sure you download the free player and select the basic installation.