Genetic Improvement

The shellfish aquaculture industry provides substantial inputs into the local Virginia economy, employees hundreds of residents, and reduces the harvest pressure on wild stocks. The Virginia oyster aquaculture industry prefers genetically improved triploid seed because they are viewed as more viable from a commercial standpoint (i.e. disease-resistant, fast growth, can be harvested year-round). The clam industry in Virginia is reaching a saturation point as available habitat is constrained by suitable water and sediment conditions. Thus, there is a continued need to develop high performing shellfish stocks that thrive in regional environments to sustain Virginia’s position as an aquaculture leader.

Visit VIMS Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center (ABC) webpage to learn about the breeding program, ongoing research, and products currently available to the industry.

Eastern Shore Laboratory: Mercenaria mercenaria Aquaculture Clam Broodstock Evaluation